Consumer Goods & Retailing

Worldwide Wearable Computing Device Installed Base Forecast, 2023–2027

Worldwide Wearable Computing Device Installed Base Forecast, 2023–2027

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Worldwide Wearable Computing Device Installed Base Forecast, 2023–2027
This IDC study discusses a five-year forecast for the worldwide wearable computing device installed base."The worldwide installed base of wearable devices is on a strong and certain path upward," points out Ramon T. Llamas, research director for IDC's Wearables team. "End-user appetite remains strong, and there still exists a sizable greenfield opportunity for vendors to target. Moreover, end-users' desire to replace their wearables on a regular basis also remains strong. Finally, the breadth and depth of devices and prices mean that there is a wearable device for anybody who wants one."

Please Note: Extended description available upon request.

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