Consumer Goods & Retailing

Worldwide Wearable Computing Device Forecast Update, 2023–2027: CY 3Q23

Worldwide Wearable Computing Device Forecast Update, 2023–2027: CY 3Q23

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Worldwide Wearable Computing Device Forecast Update, 2023–2027: CY 3Q23
This IDC study presents an updated forecast for the worldwide wearable computing device market for 2023–2027."2023 marks a slow recovery from the decline in wearable device shipments in 2022," points out Ramon T. Llamas, research director for IDC's Wearables team. "However, the fundamentals of the market are sound: worldwide adoption, broad selection, and a steady stream of replacements coupled with a still-growing user base. As economic recovery slowly returns and users refresh the devices they currently own, we will see volume continue to grow even as it steadily reaches maturity."

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