Marketing & Market Research

United Kingdom (UK) Queens Platinum Jubilee 2022 - Analyzing Market, Trends, Consumer Attitudes and Major Players

United Kingdom (UK) Queens Platinum Jubilee 2022 - Analyzing Market, Trends, Consumer Attitudes and Major Players

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United Kingdom (UK) Queens Platinum Jubilee 2022 - Analyzing Market, Trends, Consumer Attitudes and Major Players


United Kingdom (UK) Queens Platinum Jubilee 2022 report forms part of GlobalData's Retail Occasions series, providing a comprehensive insight into the consumer dynamics and spending habits of UK consumers for the Queen's Jubilee. The report analyses the major players, the main trends, and consumer attitudes.

The Queen's Platinum Jubilee 2022 exhibited strong participation, with over 60% of respondents reporting to have partaken in the celebrations. In comparison to the normal spring bank holiday, consumers increased spending in both hospitality and retail, though the latter performed slightly better.

ScopeWhile the Queen's Jubilee weekend will have been positive for retailers, it is expected that some spending will have been delayed or brought forward for the event, ensuring the weeks leading up to the event will still have been marred by the ongoing cost-of-living crisis.Tesco came out on top for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, with the supermarket rated highest among consumers for the range, price and, quality of its Platinum Jubilee products.Over 50% of respondents stated they spent more than a typical spring bank holiday because of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. These consumers reported that their spending was up over 50%, driven by categories such as food & drink, and decorations, ensuring this retail occasion will have been most successful for the grocers.Reasons to BuyIdentify the key retailers used by consumers to purchase products for the Queen's Jubilee across the various categories.Understand the key drivers that consumers rate as the most important when choosing which retailers to shop for across different product categories, and which ones need to be improved on by retailers to boost appeal to shoppers.Identify the different channels used by consumers to purchase products for the Queen's Jubilee, and which product categories are most shopped for online or instore.Identify the most popular products purchased for the Queen's Jubilee in 2022 — to plan for future special occasions.

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