The World Market for Fresh Berries: A 2024 Global Trade Perspective
The World Market for Fresh Berries: A 2024 Global Trade Perspective
The World Market for Fresh Berries: A 2024 Global Trade Perspective
This report was created for strategic planners, international executives, and import/export managers who are concerned with the market for fresh berries. With the globalization of this market, managers can no longer be contented with a local view. Nor can managers be contented with out-of-date statistics that appear several years after the fact. Professor Philip M. Parker, the Chair Professor of Management Science at INSEAD, has developed a methodology, based on macroeconomic and trade models, to estimate the market for fresh berries for those countries serving the world market via exports or supplying from various countries via imports. He does so for the current year based on a variety of key historical indicators and econometric models.
"Fresh berries" as a category is defined in this report following the definition given by the United Nations Statistics Division Classification Registry using the Standard International Trade Classification, Revision 3 (SITC, Rev. 3). The SITC code that defines "fresh berries" is 05794.