Consumer Goods & Retailing

Reckitt Benckiser Group Plc - Company Overview and Analysis, 2023 Update

Reckitt Benckiser Group Plc - Company Overview and Analysis, 2023 Update

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Reckitt Benckiser Group Plc - Company Overview and Analysis, 2023 Update

Reckitt Benckiser Group Plc - Company Overview and Analysis, 2023 Update, reports key findings as of 8th August, 2023 based on market analysis and brand diversification by industry and geography.

Reckitt Benckiser Group Plc (RB) is a UK-based multinational manufacturer and marketer of personal care, household, specialty products, nutrition, toiletry, and health care products. RB operates its business across all regions worldwide. Its major business is concentrated in North America, which accounted for 32.8% of value sales in 2022. The company’s key markets include the US, generating 30.4% of sales in 2022.

ScopeRB generated the bulk of its revenue from North America, West Europe, and Asia in 2022RB’s key regions, North America and West Europe, are forecast to record low to moderate growth during the forecast periodAsia to present growth prospects for RB through 2027RB saw growth in its sentiment score in October 2022Reasons to BuyUnderstand the challenges and opportunities for a specific company in order to tap into what is really impacting the industry.Gain a broader appreciation of the fast-moving consumer goods industry by gaining insights from both within and outside of your sector.Access valuable strategic take-outs to help direct future decision-making and inform new product development.

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