Consumer Goods & Retailing

Movie & Video Distribution in Canada - Industry Market Research Report

Movie & Video Distribution in Canada - Industry Market Research Report

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Movie & Video Distribution in Canada - Industry Market Research Report
Movie & Video Distribution in Canada

Movie and video distributors in Canada circulate video content to downstream exhibitors, including movie theatres, TV networks and retailers of physical media. COVID-19 caused the Canadian economy to shut down, reducing advertising expenditure and demand from movie theatres. Since movie and video distributors rely on spending from movie theatres and advertising, the pandemic caused revenue to plunge. Government subsidies ran out during the pandemic recovery, so per capita disposable income declined. Leisure time also increased as more people went back to work. Falling incomes and recreation times caused revenue to continue to fall despite the strong economy. The industry's performance has recently picked up because of soaring demand from movie theatres. They were closed during COVID-19, so consumers were itching to return to cinemas. Overall, Revenue for movie and video distributors in Canada is expected to plunge at a CAGR of 8.0% during the current period, reaching $1.7 billion in 2023. Revenue is anticipated to increase 1.9% in that year.

This industry primarily circulates audiovisual works to cinemas, TV networks, other exhibitors and stores. The industry excludes movie and TV distributors involved in audiovisual content production and retailers, rental stores and merchant wholesalers that distribute prerecorded physical media and music distributors.

This report covers the scope, size, disposition and growth of the industry including the key sensitivities and success factors. Also included are five year industry forecasts, growth rates and an analysis of the industry key players and their market shares.

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