Consumer Goods & Retailing

Children's & Infants' Clothing Stores in Canada - Industry Market Research Report

Children's & Infants' Clothing Stores in Canada - Industry Market Research Report

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Children's & Infants' Clothing Stores in Canada - Industry Market Research Report
Children's & Infants' Clothing Stores in Canada

The Children's and Infants' Clothing Stores industry includes stores specializing in retailing apparel for children under the age of 17 and online sales. While macroeconomic growth has encouraged shoppers to splurge on high-end children's clothing through the end of 2023, many apparel purchases have been captured by industries that directly compete for consumer dollars. For example, online-only shopping retailers have become increasingly acceptable and preferable, siphoning demand away from brick-and-mortar establishments. This digitization push resulted in revenue falling at a CAGR of 2.3% to an estimated $2.1 billion in 2023, despite 2.1% revenue growth in 2023. The average profit margin is also expected to slump to 4.6% in 2023, as purchase costs have accounted for more revenue.This industry includes specialized clothing retailers that sell a wide range of ready-to-wear infant and children’s clothing. Supplementary services include basic alterations, such as hemming and taking in or letting out seams. This industry excludes retail sales from department stores, mass merchants and online-only retailers.

This report covers the scope, size, disposition and growth of the industry including the key sensitivities and success factors. Also included are five year industry forecasts, growth rates and an analysis of the industry key players and their market shares.

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